
in order to summarize Learn more about in order to summarize

  • How to do clivia long spots, old farmers summarize three reasons and solutions

    How to do clivia long spots, old farmers summarize three reasons and solutions

    How to do clivia long spots, old farmers summarize three reasons and solutions

  • How do you grow cosmos? The planting time and method of cosmos is summarized!

    How do you grow cosmos? The planting time and method of cosmos is summarized!

    Persian chrysanthemum color is rich, quite appreciate value, is one of the most popular varieties of flowers in recent years on the market, then how kind of cosmos? What is the planting time and method of cosmos? When is the planting time of cosmos?

    2020-11-09 Persia chrysanthemum how kind of planting time and method summary
  • The raising of native chicken has become a new hot spot, and the main points of scientific management and technology are summarized.

    The raising of native chicken has become a new hot spot, and the main points of scientific management and technology are summarized.

    The raising of native chicken has become a new hot spot, and the main points of scientific management and technology are summarized.

  • Fifteen misunderstandings of flower cultivation summarized by flower friends

    Fifteen misunderstandings of flower cultivation summarized by flower friends

    Misunderstanding 1: perennial flowers do not need to change pots, perennial flowers do not change pots for three or five years, nutrition will not be enough for a long time. Different plants change pots in different ways. For example, chrysanthemums for too long will have the phenomenon of Lignification, this.

  • The rose blooms ten times a year, not blown out.

    The rose blooms ten times a year, not blown out.

    Rose is called the moon red, already is famous, so rose blossoms 10 times a year, also is not flowery bragging, and rely on the cultivation, today we will summarize the rose flowering secret book summarized by various flower friends! Choose the right product...

  • Experiment on Water Control of Plant material of Orchid

    Experiment on Water Control of Plant material of Orchid

    Experiment on Water Control of Plant material of Orchid

  • How to grow green onions with high yield?

    How to grow green onions with high yield?

    How to grow green onions with high yield? Please advise that although the growth process of Welsh onion is relatively simple, the technical requirements of field management are relatively high. In order to achieve the goal of high yield and high quality, the management measures are summarized as follows: 1. Early soil preparation, early transplanting and reasonable close planting are the key. Years of production experience shows that early transplanting green onions.

  • Pollution-free and High-yield cultivation techniques of Potato

    Pollution-free and High-yield cultivation techniques of Potato

    In recent years, with the adjustment of agricultural planting structure and the development of high-yield, high-quality and high-efficiency agriculture, the planting area of potato in our city has been increasing continuously. the author and the researchers of Laiwu Agricultural Science Institute studied the pollution-free, high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation techniques of potato, summarized the pollution-free spring sowing and autumn delayed cultivation techniques of potato, and successfully realized the bumper harvest of pollution-free spring sowing and autumn delayed cultivation. It is remarkable to increase production and increase efficiency, and the main technologies are summarized as follows. 1. General situation of the experimental site the subdistrict office of Fengcheng, Laiwu City, Shandong Province is Lu.

  • Initial management measures after tea planting

    Initial management measures after tea planting

    The ability of direct seeding or transplanting tea seedlings to resist natural disasters is weak, so it is necessary to cultivate and manage them carefully in order to ensure the robust growth of tea seedlings, especially in the first and second years. At the same time, the growth of tea plant is continuous for quite a number of years, such as extensive management in the early stage, poor seedling growth or low survival rate, serious lack of trees, which will inevitably affect the later growth, resulting in low yield per unit area. therefore. The focus of the initial management is to carefully protect the seedlings and ensure the whole seedlings and strong seedlings. The tasks of the first year can be summarized as follows: drought resistance, anti-freezing, weeding and fertilization, and filling gaps in seedlings. In addition, straight

  • How to prune and branch balsam pear

    How to prune and branch balsam pear

    Balsam pear is a stem vine plant, it has a very strong sprouting ability of branches and vines, and it needs to be arranged in the process of growth in order to improve its yield and quality. Generally speaking, it can be summarized as pruning and branching, which can ensure good ventilation and light transmittance between plants and reduce unnecessary nutrients.

    2020-11-10 The latest balsam pear how pruning branching yes stem vines
  • Three points should be paid attention to when using medicine for raising meat ducks.

    Three points should be paid attention to when using medicine for raising meat ducks.

    At present, it is promising to raise meat ducks in rural areas, because the feeding cycle of meat ducks is short. However, it is also common for farmers to abuse veterinary drugs and use drugs irrationally in order to prevent and control the epidemic disease of meat ducks. In this paper, the current drug use of meat ducks is analyzed and summarized. First, fully understand veterinary drugs

    2020-11-08 Breeding meat ducks medication need attention three points at present rural medium
  • Prevention and treatment of complications of fish fingerling

    Prevention and treatment of complications of fish fingerling

    Rare complications of rotten gills, enteritis and bleeding occurred in Sanhe Town, Hongze County, Huaian City, Jiangsu Province, resulting in large-scale death of fish species. Now the specific situation of the disease and prevention and control measures are summarized as follows for everyone to discuss. Onset time and symptoms: sporadic dead fish appeared in early August, diseased fish had rotifer on the Gill, and others did not have any symptoms. Around the middle of August, there were a large number of deaths, and all of them were grass carp fingerness. the diseased fish were black and lying on the edge of the pond, unable to float, stopped feeding and picked up.

  • How to raise serrated turtles?

    How to raise serrated turtles?

    Scylla serrata is a common breeding turtle, many people will choose to keep pets, so how to keep Scylla serrata? Some precautions for raising saw-edge turtles are summarized below. for details, please see below. 1. Dry-raised saw-edge turtles belong to semi-water turtles.

    2020-11-11 Saw edge turtle how raise saw edge tortoise yes a kind of compare common
  • Cultivation techniques of hairless peach

    Cultivation techniques of hairless peach

    Mao peach series of fruits are deeply loved by consumers because of their large size, small stone, juicy, sweet taste and other advantages. In recent years, with the development of nectarine varieties, the appearance quality of peach fruits has been affected by the furry skin of the fruit, and its development has been affected to some extent. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the appearance quality of hairy peach, we conducted many experiments on hairy peach varieties such as Yuhua dew, golden peach, Okubo, Diaozhibai, Qiufengmi and so on. A set of cultivation and management techniques were summarized to reduce the hairs on the peach pericarp surface and improve the appearance quality of the fruit.

  • "hairless" cultivation techniques of Mao Peach

    Mao peach series of fruits are deeply loved by consumers because of their large size, small stone, juicy, sweet taste and other advantages. In recent years, with the development of nectarine varieties, the appearance quality of peach fruits has been affected by the furry skin of the fruit, and its development has been affected to some extent. In order to overcome the shortcomings of the appearance quality of hairy peach, we conducted many experiments on hairy peach varieties such as Yuhua dew, golden peach, Okubo, Diaozhibai, Qiufengmi and so on. A set of cultivation and management techniques were summarized to reduce the hairs on the peach pericarp surface and improve the appearance quality of the fruit.

  • How to manage the dormant period of winter jujube seedlings? Attach a brilliant way to improve the rate of fruit setting!

    How to manage the dormant period of winter jujube seedlings? Attach a brilliant way to improve the rate of fruit setting!

    There are not a few people who eat winter jujube every autumn and winter, and the price of winter jujube is getting more and more expensive year by year. Now there are more and more people growing winter jujube. Aiming at the management of dormant period of winter jujube seedlings and the problem of improving fruit setting rate, the editor also summarized this article for everyone.

    2020-11-09 Winter jujube seedling dormant period should how management attached high seat fruit rate
  • The deadliest reason why flowers always lose their leaves is that this can be easily solved.

    The deadliest reason why flowers always lose their leaves is that this can be easily solved.

    Plants always lose leaves, many flower friends do not know the reason, in fact, there are many reasons for leaf loss, as long as find the right reasons, these are not a problem, the following editor summarizes a few important points, such as happiness tree leaves, happiness tree joy.

  • Pot planting technique of Dendrobium (Hua you)

    Pot planting technique of Dendrobium (Hua you)

    In fact, the pot technology of Dendrobium is not so mysterious, this paper is the pot cultivation method of Dendrobium summarized by Hua you, there is no fixed pattern of planting and cultivation of Dendrobium, according to its own geographical location, environment, climate, and flexible. Approximate elements: ventilation, ventilation, light, humidity. ...

  • Orchid: seven planting experiences of Orchid summarized by Orchid Farmer

    Orchid: seven planting experiences of Orchid summarized by Orchid Farmer

    New florists often ask about orchids. It so happens that some flower lovers often have the opportunity to get in touch with some orchid farmers, so they often have the nerve to fight with others.

  • Reform releases the driving force of seed industry innovation

    Reform releases the driving force of seed industry innovation

    Grain is safe all over the world, planting and casting foundation stone. Seed is a fundamental factor of agricultural production and the most important carrier of agricultural science and technology. To ensure that Chinese people's rice bowls are mainly filled with Chinese grain, we must first ensure that Chinese grain is mainly grown in China. In recent years, the State Council has issued successively

    2016-03-20 Reform release seed industry innovation new power food security the world planting and casting